Daily Highlights
I just started reading Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky. So far, the idea of setting daily highlight (distinct from a to-do item or goal) feels both simple and revolutionary. The idea is to have one thing that takes between 60 and 90 minutes (that could be composed of to-dos or lead toward a goal) and commit to accomplishing that thing. You doggedly protect its time on your calendar and/or your focus for that thing. The book recommends that the daily highlight fit one of these three categories:
Urgent — What is most pressing for that day?
Satisfying — What would make you feel the most satisfied about the day?
Will bring joy — What would make you feel the most joy once it is done?
Next week I plan to set daily highlights and see how it goes. (The book also recommends experimentation over religious adherence to systems and tools!)