Hyperopt-sklearn: Automatic hyperparameter tuning
Check out my video demonstration of hyperopt-sklearn, which simplifies hyperparameter tuning. Also, hear my opinion on why it’s the right choice for almost no one.
Hyperopt-sklearn is a package for hyperparameter tuning in Python. It is a wrapper for a much more complicated and frustrating package Hyperopt. Hyperopt-sklearn simplifies parameter tuning, but perhaps too much...
Github for example: https://github.com/ryanlmelvin/YouTubeDemos/tree/main/hpsklearn
Previous video on skoptimize (a better choice IMO): https://youtu.be/q08ZDZhUZ-g
Blog post on Hyperopt (the optimal choice IMO): https://www.ryanlmelvin.com/data-science/hyperopt-part-3-conditional-parameters
Jason Brownlee's blog post: https://machinelearningmastery.com/hyperopt-for-automated-machine-learning-with-scikit-learn/
Hyperopt-sklearn documentation: https://hyperopt.github.io/hyperopt-sklearn/